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Haven Street Closure

Update from the Developers of the Collective at Canton:

With the upcoming temporary closing of Haven Street from O’Donnell Street underpass to Boston Street in connection with the Collective at Canton project starting on or about December 2nd (weather permitting). As a reminder, as part of the project, the development team is undertaking a $1.5 million effort to relocate the utility poles and wires along Haven and Boston Streets underground. The project will necessitate reinforcing/replacing conduit infrastructure within the middle of the bed of Haven Street. At the same time as the work is being performed, the team will work to expand the Haven and Boston Street intersection so that there will be sufficient room to provide westbound drivers on Boston Street with a dedicated right-turn lane onto Haven Street.


-Haven Street from the O’Donnell Street underpass to Boston Street will be closed for 35 days.

-There will be intermittent flagging operations on Boston Street during off-peak hours.

For your reference, the plan to close the street entirely was made after extensive consultation with the Department of Transportation.  It was determined that the best option to perform the required work within the right-of-way was to do a complete closure in lieu of a 90+ day construction with sporadic lane closures and flaggers directing traffic. We have also consulted with officials from the Port and the Trucking association, and they will be advising their truck drivers to utilize Ponca Street as a detour route.  Detour signage will be install around the community as shown on the attached plan.

The development team is carefully phasing construction teams/crews and lining up equipment and materials to complete the work as quickly as possible. The team has also pledged that if the work happens to take longer than 35 days from commencement, they will then open one lane of Haven Street back up and utilize flaggers until the work is complete. I note that if weather forecast looks bad on December 2nd, the team will wait to begin and start the 35-day clock until weather improves.

We understand that there will be an inconvenience to the community, but it is hoped that by performing the work during December, there will fewer disruptions to motorists during the holidays and that the final product will make it worthwhile with a more scenic and walkable streetscape and a greatly improved intersection for motorists at Boston and Haven Streets.

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